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select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
SELECT * FROM ad where title='7' and status <>0 order by sort
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','SELECT * FROM ad where title=`7` and status <>0 order by sort','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
SELECT * FROM ad where title='2' and status <>0 order by sort
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','SELECT * FROM ad where title=`2` and status <>0 order by sort','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')

select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
SELECT * FROM activity where kind=1 and lang = 'ct' and active = 1 ORDER BY sort,news_no ASC limit 3
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','SELECT * FROM activity where kind=1 and lang = `ct` and active = 1 ORDER BY sort,news_no ASC limit 3','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
> 查看更多活動

select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
SELECT f.* FROM film f join film_kind k on k.id=f.kind WHERE k.lang='ct' and f.show_index=1 and k.active=1 ORDER BY rand() ASC limit 1
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','SELECT f.* FROM film f join film_kind k on k.id=f.kind WHERE k.lang=`ct` and f.show_index=1 and k.active=1 ORDER BY rand() ASC limit 1','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
SELECT f.* FROM film f join film_kind k on k.id=f.kind WHERE k.lang='ct' and k.active=1 ORDER BY rand() ASC limit 1
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','SELECT f.* FROM film f join film_kind k on k.id=f.kind WHERE k.lang=`ct` and k.active=1 ORDER BY rand() ASC limit 1','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
> 查看更多影片
select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
SELECT * FROM comp_data_show
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','SELECT * FROM comp_data_show ','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
update comp_data_show set cournter = cournter + 1
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','update comp_data_show set cournter = cournter + 1','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
select * from sql_log_all where login_ip = '' and timestamp >= '1717344000' and timestamp <= '1717430399'
INSERT INTO rec_user_log(title,source,ip,url,time,date,cournter_no)VALUES('美斯德國際股份有限公司','電腦版','','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','1717369202','2024-06-03 07:00:02','')
insert into sql_log values('sql_err','https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php','INSERT INTO rec_user_log(title,source,ip,url,time,date,cournter_no)VALUES(`美斯德國際股份有限公司`,`電腦版`,``,`https://vip.mesdax.com/ct/index_pc.php`,`1717369202`,`2024-06-03 07:00:02`,``)','MySQL server has gone away','1717369202','_3.23.126.56')
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